Covid Vaccination Latest Update 10th March 2021

South Hambleton Vaccination Team which is Tollerton, Millfield and Stillington Surgeries operating from the Galtres Centre in Easingwold.

On behalf of Tollerton Surgery:

If you are waiting for your Covid Vaccination, please be assured we are working as quickly as possible to provide it for you.

We believe we have now made contact with the majority of patients aged 55 and over and all Patients in the Clinical Vulnerable Groups.

If you do know of anyone in these groups who are registered with Tollerton Surgery, and has not yet been contacted, please let the surgery know or ask the Patient to call us.

We are now pleased to be able to offer appointments to cohort 9, which is patients 50 years and over.  If you are in this category, please be assured we will be calling you shortly to book in for your Vaccine.

Thank you for patience and understanding.